Eset Nod32 AV Removal Tools


The ESET AV Remover tool akan melakuakn Remove Antivirus yang sebelumnya telah di install pada Operaing System,

Link Download Eset Nod 32 Removal Tools :


Langkah-langkah Remove Eset NOD32 dengan AV Remover :

  1. Double-click ESET AV Remover to run the AV Remover tool.
    Windows 10 users: Click Run when the file finishes downloading.
    Figure 1-1
  2. Click Continue. ESET AV Remover will scan your computer for previously installed antivirus software.

Figure 1-2

  1. Read the End-User License Agreement and click Accept.

Figure 1-3

  1. Select the check box next to the application(s) you want to remove and click Remove.

Figure 1-4
Click the image to view larger in new window

  1. Click Remove when prompted. ESET AV Remover will begin removing the software from your system.

Figure 1-5

  1. After the removal process is complete, Applications successfully removed will be displayed. Click Continue

Figure 1-6
Click the image to view larger in new window

  1. Click Restart now to restart your computer. We recommend that you run ESET AV Remover again after your computer restarts to ensure that all remnants of the previous antivirus software are removed.

Figure 1-7

No supported applications or No antivirus applications removed

If ESET AV Remover can not uninstall applications, close ESET AV Remover by clicking [X] and run an uninstaller manually by following instructions in this ESET Knowledgebase article:

Figures 1-6, 1-7 and 1-8
Click the image to view larger in new window

Source :

Remove Symantec dengan Cleanwipe

SYmantec Endpoint

Terdapat bebrapa cara untuk melakukan uninstall / remove produk Symantec Endpoint Protection, yaitu melalui Control Panel, dan apabila gagal baru dapat menggunakan CleanWipe Utility.

Download Clean Wipe :  Size 4 MB

Warning :

Symantec Technical Support tidak merekomendasikan langsung menggunakan Cleanwipe sebagai pilihan pertama, anda harus melakukan Secara Prosedural melalui COntrol Panel terlebih dahulu

Langkah untuk uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection menggunakan CleanWipe utility :

  • Copy Cleanwipe.exe to the computer on which you want to run it.
  • Double-click Cleanwipe.exe, and then click Next.
  • Accept the license agreement, and then click Next.
  • Select the Symantec products you want to remove, and then click Next twice.
  • When the tool finishes running, you may be prompted to restart the computer.
  • After the computer restarts, CleanWipe reopens and continues to run.
  • Click Next.
  • Click Finish.
  • The Symantec products you selected are now uninstalled
CleanWipe Symantec
Symantec Removal

Source :

Terima kasih telah Mampir Ke Website Lisensiantivirus

McAfee Removal Tools

Terkadang saat melakukan Proses Uninstall dari Mcafee terdapat kesulitan seperti proses gagal uninstall dengan kondisi stack sehingga proses tidak dapat dilanjutkan, jalan terbaik untuk kondisi tersebut adalah menggunakan McAfee Removal Tool yang ditawarkan oleh McAfee, Tools tersebut support untuk varian sebagai berikut :
McAfee AntiSpyware Removal Tool 
McAfee AntiVirus Removal Tool 
McAfee Personal Firewall Removal Tool 
McAfee Virus Scan Removal Tool 
McAfee Total Protection Removal Tool 
McAfee Internet Security Removal Tool

Download Mcafee Removal Tools – Download
Size 10 MB :

McAfee Removal Tool Support Operating Sistem Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

Contoh tools Mcafee removal ketika dijalankan :

Source :

Terima Kasih telah mampir Ke
Tampilan Awal
Tampilan Ketika sedang Proses Uninstall Antivirus Mcafee

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