Terdapat bebrapa cara untuk melakukan uninstall / remove produk Symantec Endpoint Protection, yaitu melalui Control Panel, dan apabila gagal baru dapat menggunakan CleanWipe Utility.
Download Clean Wipe :
CleanWipe.14.2RU1.zip Size 4 MB
Warning :
Symantec Technical Support tidak merekomendasikan langsung menggunakan Cleanwipe sebagai pilihan pertama, anda harus melakukan Secara Prosedural melalui COntrol Panel terlebih dahulu
Langkah untuk uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection menggunakan CleanWipe utility :
- Copy Cleanwipe.exe to the computer on which you want to run it.
- Double-click Cleanwipe.exe, and then click Next.
- Accept the license agreement, and then click Next.
- Select the Symantec products you want to remove, and then click Next twice.
- When the tool finishes running, you may be prompted to restart the computer.
- After the computer restarts, CleanWipe reopens and continues to run.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish.
- The Symantec products you selected are now uninstalled

Source :
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